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Winter Year End Services Sale
EuGene Gant

Winter Year End Services Sale


Naam Yoga leads students in the process of consciously stimulating the body’s vast matrix of energy meridians so as to reverse physical, emotional, and mental imbalances and strengthen the body’s restorative capacity. This sacred technology provides practical, integrative tools for radiant health and well-being. EuGene will structure a specific practice for you based on your physical/emotional needs to best help the healing process. 


Kabbalistic Astrology Reading

This ancient and sacred system uses the divine code of the Universe in combination with the laws of the main Archangels who stand before the throne of God and operate through the creative planets. It is the very system used by Mother Nature in Her mysterious dealings with life and the action of the Archangels whose magnetic influence operates through the creative planets and radiates over the Earth. After years of practical experience and planning, we are able to make the sacred system that reveals the mysteries of Heaven and Earth available to all who seek to make living in accordance with Divine Law the highest priority in their lives.


Skype Meditation

If your ready to experience a deeper level of yourself, this meditation session will bring clarity to your mind and open your heart. Perfect for the beginner and seasoned meditator alike. This meditation session focuses on breath work, stretching and silence. Be prepared to receive a personal practice to do in between sessions to help you build momentum on your journey. Sessions fill up fast so book yours today!


Harmonyum Healing:

Kabbalistic Energy Work


Universal Kabbalah is an ancient spiritual system that expands the human consciousness and connects the practitioner with the source of Life Itself from within.  

Harmonyum Healing is a powerful, elegant, spiritual healing system that was developed with the aim of making self-healing possible. It addresses disease at the mental and emotional level so that it may no longer exist in the physical body. Harmonyum leads to glowing health, vigor, happiness and increased longevity through the slowing of the aging process.

Harmonyum promotes excellent health in the body and spirit by nurturing and strengthening one’s primal essence. It promotes profound states of deep relaxation and restores the body to an ideal state of balance and harmony. Continuous treatments release the body’s innate healing wisdom and bestow the effects of years of meditation, bringing you into a higher cycle of manifestation and well-being.

EuGene uses this system to guide you back to your heart, sharpen your mind and promote healing within your body.


7 Week Planetary Power Training

7 Week Planetary Power Training

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Mindfully Guided Meditations

Mindfully Guided Meditations

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The Lightning Presence

The Lightning Presence

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Kabbalistic Chakra Chants

Kabbalistic Chakra Chants

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