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The time has come to remember. As we move deeper into our world its almost like we drift farther away from ourselves, our sanity and the ability to fully enjoy our lives day to day.

What if you could activate yourself in ways that allow you to cultivate more life-force, release toxic thoughts and emotions, 
all while detoxing and strengthening your physical body?

Join Naam Yoga Therapist and Harmonyum Healing Practitioner EuGene Gant, and founder of Shamanic Tonic and Master of herbal elixirs Erik Guru Lieux, as they help you embody the Natural Mystics path to healing and self empowerment!

Experience 7 Days & 6 Nights of hand crafted, High vibrational elixirs and tonics, Shakti Naam yoga and tantric breath meditations, with engaging workshops designed to equip you with a day-to-day Mystical Life Practice.

The Natural Mystics Retreat Includes:

*​7 Days & 6 Nights at El Sabanero Eco Lodge
*3 vegetarian meals a day plus early morning herbal coffee 
infusions and teas
*Daily yoga classes (morning/evening) with personal instruction (a mix of Vinyasa, Restorative and Shakti Naam Yoga)​
*Group & private review of core life issues, goals and intentions 
*Daily group experiences: Shamanic Tonic Herbal Topics & Kabbalistic Astrology and Mysticism Workshops
*Guided meditations paired with Shamanic Tonic’s Ceremonial Cacao and Restorative/Vitality Building Elixirs and Tantric Breath work
*Excursions into nature for elemental meditations

Leisure time at the beach or pool (or excursions at your own expense such as surf or paddle board lessons, horseback riding, canopy tours, zip lines, kayaking and more that can be easily scheduled through the front desk)

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